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for enzyme
immobilization &


Enzyme immobilization is crucial for enhancing enzyme stability and reusability, and nanomaterials offer unparalleled advantages in this field. By utilizing nanomaterials such as nanoparticles and nanofibers, we can provide a high surface area for enzyme attachment, thereby maximizing catalytic efficiency and stability.

Moreover, nanomaterials serve as excellent carriers for targeted enzyme delivery. We're exploring the boundaries of nanomaterial design to create advanced enzyme immobilization platforms and nano-delivery systems.

Selected Publications

  • Huma Fatima, Amrik Bhattacharya and S.K. Khare . Efficient remediation of meropenem using Bacillus tropicus EMB20 ß-lactamase immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Environmental Management,329, 117054, 2023


  • Syeda Warisul Fatima and SK Khare . Benefits and Challenges of Antibody Drug Conjugates as Novel Form of Chemotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release, Special Issue: Nano-immunotherapeutics , 341, 555-565, 2022


  • Syeda Warisul Fatima, Khalid Imtiyaz, Mohammad M. Alam Rizvi and S. K. Khare . Microbial transglutaminase nanoflowers as an alternative nanomedicine for breast cancer theranostics. RSC Advances. 11, 34613-34630, 2021


  • Nikky Goel, Razi Ahmad, Rajendra Singh, Seema Sood and S.K. Khare . Biological synthesized silver nanoparticles by Streptomyces sp. EMB 24 extracts used against the drug resistant bacteria.Bioresource Technology Reports, 15, 100753, 2021





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Website made and maintained by Tanisha

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